Choosing a perfect wedding is like choosing your perfect heels!! Say one day you are out shopping and you know you want a RED colour heels.. but when there's too many choices of red heels upon you, you choose to go barefooted! Just because you cannot decide!
Well, its not a one case scenario, it happens every time, so if u're having this problem, don't worry! i have a few simple tips to help you narrow down your choices and make it easier for you!
1. First of all, you have to decide on your wedding theme. It can be a garden wedding, traditional, bollywood, arabian style, forest, and lots more. Its your day, your call ! Once it is decided, then only other things can fall in.
2. Theme checked! Now the color. Most bride love to choose at least 2 colors for the deco and stuff. Some can even have 4 to 5 colors. Still it depends on the theme, like i mentioned earlier. ( see how important to decide on your wedding theme first! :) some of popular colors for weddings now are red & black, grey & pink, green & brown, turqoise and gold. etc.
* if u hire a wedding planner, do not let them decide the color theme for you, tell them what you want. and be BOLD about it if you really want your wedding goes exactly like you imagine. trust me on this! :)
3. Ok, so now you have your theme and color. You can start to look out for your desired door gifts. this is a nightmare for most bride as the tense begin. gifts have become as important as other essentials. I've met a few bride spent months to find their perfect door gifts. browse to hundreds website, reading all sorts of magazine that have a "wedding" word printed, going to gift malls and every other options that they can think of.yes, i can say this because i went through the exact same thing! :) I always wanted something different, in other words, i love to personalize my own gifts. and it is not easy when you have to pull everything by yourself including the gift idea. That is why its really important for the bride to be involve in the wedding plan from the beginning. Gifts should be something that represent you and your wedding, something that people can bring back and remember. try to find something nice and if possible, personalize it and make it exclusive.
just bare in mind, wedding is a very special occasion. so everything that falls in should be special. :) and yeah, like choosing your heels, you just have to make sure you're comfortable with it and just walk your way! be confident!
ok guys, thats all for now! i need to cheer for japan! waka waka? no its vuvuzela! :)
have a nice day! cheers~